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Glossary of teeth is

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 댓글 0건 조회 479회 작성일 12-01-03 19:42


Glossary of teeth is


Teeth of the English language, in French dendeu (Dend), the German Jahn (Zehn), as

Refers to the teeth.

Occlusion of the teeth, mouth damuleot gyeongni 'Cause when that state is engaged teeth.

Teeth scissors bite gyeonui a byte, byte-level, over-syotteu, undershoot of syotteu

Is separated into four types.

Gingiva, or gum refers to

Level Bite

That means cutting bite. Above and below the bite of the jaw teeth are just the right junction.

Joryeopgyeoneun sanyanggyeon sense, especially baby is desirable.

 Pincers Bite

Scissors Bite
Negotiations bite: 'Cause when your mouth damuleot teeth of upper jaw incisors of ahraetteok come forward and

Is in the form of occlusion.

Even Bite
Level of bytes, cut to bite me.



You move the upper mouth, teeth of upper jaw forward me 'Cause when damuleot

Ahraetteok the gap between front teeth without bonding to saenggyeo is engaged bite.


Mandibular move out, your mouth 'Cause when damuleot teeth over the lower jaw forward, as opposed to syotteu listed

Junction between the front teeth in upper jaw without teumyisaenggyeo engaged in is the occlusion.


Canine, canine means.


Eye tooth

Collectively witsonggotniui


Milk tooth

Attract, that means ahgittae teeth.


Permanent tooth

Teeth, teeth saeronan means.


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