
About Dachshund (2) > About Dachshund

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About Dachshund
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About Dachshund (2)

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작성자 관리자 댓글 0건 조회 334회 작성일 12-01-03 19:17


Specialization took place, with the larger Standard Dachshunds being used for badger and boar,
while the smaller dogs hunted hare and rabbit.
Smaller dogs became known as "Zwergteckels" (dwarf dachshunds),
and the smallest ones as "Kaninchenteckels" (rabbit dachshunds).
In Canada and many other countries the two smaller sizes are combined as Miniature Dachshunds.
Both smooth-haired and long-haired Dachshunds have existed since the origins of the breed.
The wire-haired Dachshund appears to have been developed later,
possibly by the introduction of some wire-haired terrier-type blood.
Dachshunds were introduced into North America about 1880,
and gained in popularity, until the world wars, when, because of their German origin,
 they suffered a setback.
Since then, due to the efforts of dedicated breeders,
they have again attained their status as one of our best known
and most popular breeds. While terrier-like in some respects,
Dachshunds are classed as Hounds in many countries
and as a separate "Teckel" group by Federation Cynologique Internationale.
In Canada, the three coats in the two sizes are shown as six separate breeds in Group 2 - Hounds. They share a common Breed Standard, however, for breeding purposes they are six separate breeds which cannot be interbred.


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