
About Dachshund (1) > About Dachshund

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About Dachshund
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About Dachshund (1)

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 댓글 0건 조회 304회 작성일 12-01-03 19:12


Dachshund are long-standing members of the Dog World,
with evidence that dogs of dachshund type were known in ancient times.
It is generally accepted that the breeds, much as we presently know them,
were developed in Germany between the 16th and 18th centuries 
"Dachshund" means "badger dog", and they were primarily used for the hunting of badger.
They are also known as "Teckels" throughout Europe and as "Dackels" in Germany.
The breeds were well established by the late 1800's,
and German pedigrees are recorded as far back as 1859.
The characteristic low and long form of the Dachshund is ideally suited for work both in dens,
and tracking through underbrush.
Their ability to go both forward and backward in a crouching position,
combined with their sturdy bodies and strong jaws, allows them to excel at bringing badger,
fox or rabbit from their dens.
This is known as "going-to-ground".
Dachshunds were also used to hunt wild boar and other game through dense undergrowth,
and are still used today by hunters and guides to track wounded game-animals,
such as deer and bear.



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