
Breeding History > 닥스훈트 study

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닥스훈트 study
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Breeding History

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 댓글 0건 조회 5,069회 작성일 11-12-31 17:05


1.About Bear(1985) 
It was in 1985 when I first met Bear.
He had dark chocolate colored hair, weighed around 4 kg though he no longer stay with us, today...
Even if he is not around us any more, he still stays with us, deep inside of our hearts.
Please take a look at our memorable "BEAR"
2.About vilma(1989)
Vilma was a female smooth-haired, black & tanned dog imported directly from Phillipine.
While Bear had a tiny cute face, Vilma as a genuine dachshund had unique features such as large almond shaped eyes, slightly arched muzzle with little perceptible stop and thick, flapped lips.
But most of all, her large flopped ears were the most distinctive fearture. It weighs around 5kgs.
She was the mother of Ali & Alex the two trademarks of Bear Kernnel.

3.About Champ(1989)
Champ, a male long-haired black & tanned dachshund, was and American pedigree which was imported directly from Japan.
Champ significantly contributed on leading Bear Kennel into successful business
He was our pride and joy!! You can view the lists of our fabulous dachshunds after Champ on "our dogs" and "gallery" 


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